Saints Cyril and Methodius (14 FEB)


“O God, who enlightened the Slavic peoples through the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius, grant that our hearts may grasp the words of your teaching, and perfect us as a people of one accord in true faith and right confession. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

 – Roman Catholic Church Collect

Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers and monks who educated Christians in the Slavic region of the world by translating the Bible in their native language in the 8th century. Both, who were educated philosophers, took the monastic life. Although they received pressure from the German clergy elite of the day to cease teaching in the Slavic language, they persisted. St. Cyril died approximately 15 years after taking monastic vows. St. Methodius rose to the ecclesiastical office of the episcopate (bishop).


In reflecting on the contribution of these two men, I walk away with a feeling of admiration. Considering that at the time of their instruction and subsequent opposition, they did not have the protection of a bishop to lean on. They depended on the guidance of God, and the support of each other.

As an Anglican Cleric, I have seen many clergy, including Roman Catholic and Orthodox, who will not do anything without the express consent of their bishop. Although it is always wise to yield to authority, there are times in which one may need to veer off the straight and narrow path in order to achieve a greater good that ecclesiastical authority may not necessarily see. These times may be very few and far in between, but denying the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak to you is also a danger. If our saints for the day have taught is, if God is directing it, HE will provide.

 – JMH+

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